Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Day 1 - Hemos llegado! We have arrived!

By Yogi Sharma

It was a long, tiring but uplifting day. Ari, Callum, Elinor and I traveled together to San Salvador, where we met Nate, Sarah, Sebastian and Caleb at the airport. The immigration checkpoint was refreshingly simple and not stressful. After hanging out at the baggage claim, we headed out to meet Robert and Sonia. There was a long wait with them until Elijah and Rylie showed up, but everybody had fun playing card games, practicing Spanish and English with Robert and Sonia, and eating airport food. The B. S. card game was probably the most "unquakerly" thing we did. :) I appreciated everybody's patience and lightheartedness, even though it was after long flight for all of us. 
On the way to Suchitoto, we sang, we took nap in the bus, we talked some more, and best of all ate pupusas (a delicious El Salvadoran food similar to a quesadilla but with thicker tortillas that are closed on the sides). After driving through the lush green forest area and some villages, and seeing some cattle by the roadside (which surprised some), we finally reached the Plataforma Global, where we are staying until our homestays on Thursday.

The swimming pools were a pleasant surprise in the humid heat, and everybody was in them in no time. After taking a leisurely stroll through the Suchitoto town square, a delicious dinner was waiting for us (thanks to Tita and Lilliana). Reflections were coming next!

We all reflected on our first day in El Salvador. We were grateful for good experiences, and surprised by some others. A warm welcome by El Salvadorean people was a common theme of our gratitude and we could feel the start of a fun-filled journey and memorable experiences in the next 10 days. With that longing for memorable experience, we went to bed, looking forward to a long day ahead.
 Walking to Suchitoto Town Center

 Suchitoto Town Center and Church

Delicious Dinner!


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